Monday, April 25, 2011

Money and Property Waiting to be Claimed

I found this CBS article and in it you can watch a short video about the fact that the State of Illinois has over 1 billion dollars just waiting to be claimed. When I read this article, I was constantly thinking about how uneducated people are during this economic "depression." Let me know what you all think.


  1. If the property sits too long, they should auction it off, and use the money for some public service. As for the cash, make an attempt at contacting these people, and if that fails, use it for some public good. 1.5B dollars can go a long way if used properly.

  2. This money should not just be left without use. They can use this money, if it is not claimed, to help the city build its community.

  3. How about all the unused money that the government has invested in HAMP and the Hardest Hit Fund?? Of the $37 billion invested, only $1 billion has been spent and only $4 billion is expected to be spent. Where is that extra $33 billion going to go, and why was there such a severe overestimation of cost?
