Friday, May 27, 2011

Michigan spending

check out the local expenditures for the state of Michigan, kind of cool to see the numbers.


  1. I like the idea of this website, but the structure's a little hard to understand. This version of it provides more clarity to me:

  2. Great Article!
    I am very satisfied to see that education is the highest after health care. Both are extremely important, but I think there can never be enough spent on education. Education is our future, and to me there is not better investment.

  3. Agreed, education will provide everyone with a better future. Also health care needs to be addressed a little bit more, there is a lot of confusion around health care, and it needs to be taken care of.

  4. I would like to see a comparison of the amount Michigan spends on education compared to the other 49 states.

    Based on these numbers where would you make budget cuts?

  5. I keep repeating this, but cutting health care and education is never the answer. That's investing in the future in a very tangible way and avoiding massive costs a few years down the road
