Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reminder: Gardening on Tuesday!!

Our class's gardening project will take place this coming TUESDAY! We will be planting on the boulevard between east and westbound traffic on the Egleston 1600-1700 block (off of Portage Road) in Edison.

Please be in front of the library at 12:40 a.m. in order to drive over to the Edison Neighborhood.
Our goal is to build 6 raised beds and plant some shrubs. This should be a piece of cake with all of us in attendance.

ALSO--If you have a car and are willing to drive, please reply to this e-mail so that I can make sure that we have enough drivers! So far Laura, Kailey, and Zach have volunteered...thank you all!


  1. This is going to be cool, and this will definitely give us an opportunity to make our areas look great.

  2. Wooo public service is an endorphin high for me! It always feels good to help your community. Because in the end all we have is each other.
