This article provides an update on Europe's current debt crisis and the strategies they are considering to combat the issue. After talking so much about personal debt in class, it's interesting to see how an entire continent can get itself into trouble. Much like loans that go unpaid, Europe's efforts to bail out countries like Greece has left the continent reeling and seemingly falling deeper and deeper into the crisis. Unemployment, strikes and riots are occurring all over and are forcing big banks to take significant loses in hopes of keeping Greece and other struggling countries afloat.
No deal yet on euro crisis as the danger grows
This is an interesting article because there are issues that will not be fixed by taking more loans out and rioting. People need to work in order to get out of this crisis and it certainly won't be over night. That said, we tend to forget about the "European crisis" because it is in Europe, but we also need to open our eyes and see how much this is affecting and will continue to affect us in the U.S. if the Euro drops substantially, or as discussion has brought into consideration a default may lead to no more Euro currency, which would devastate the economic world for some time.