Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Habitat for humanity

So a goal of Habitat is to help out the poorer people and really want to be building homes in the distressed neighborhoods or rehabing houses there. Right, people are taking the houses in the non-distressed neighborhoods and paying the higher prices. What if all of a sudden there is a run on the cheaper houses, where Habitat actually loses money from house cost to the value/sale price? How long will people give donations, especially in this economy, that can help keep them afloat? Especially if this comes to be nation wide or world wide? I just can't see habitat staying above water too long if this happens which I could see as a very real potential situation.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is partly why Don wants the "70:30 ratio" in meetings. They are similar to a non-profit organization. Somebody need to back them up. He said it's risky because he's depending on rich people to feel the enthusiasm and support him. Yeah, it's hard to see them above the water.
