Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Industry Scale Cont.

*these are all revenues. not profits *these our all national rankings. not global

WalMart our #1 corporation in the universe. Cheap labor, import, cheap labor, import. And the smart technology to maximize efficiency in the distribution sites. $221 Billion

Exxon #2 profitable company in the US. Raising that gas price like the negative population growth in MI. They know that America is a culture heavily depends on automobile transportation. so why not raise it some more? $354Billion

Fannie Mae. #5. Our favorite company of fraud is enjoying its fifth position of the most prosperous corporations in the US. They should get shut down and give away their money to cities that got affected by the housing crisis (for our sweet home, America's sake) $153 Billion

General Motors. Hanging in there. #8. 135 Billion. Nice ranking, but the decrease in the revenue = decrease of employees. whoops

BoA. My bank that I'll probably switch by the end of the year got #9. $134 Billion

AT&T #12. known for sending the fees late to charge for late fees. They get sued quite often. (that;s why I switched) $124 Billion

Fredie Mac #20. big difference from Fannie Mae. $98Billion

CVS. #21 taking over US with its infinite stores $94

Protector & Gamble. The company for Tide. #26. $79 Billioin.

COSTCO #28. I see these in Japan too. $77Billion

Pfizer. #31. our proud company. $67 Billion

Apple #35. the geniuses. $65 Billion

PepsiCo. Lays chips, pepsi, etc. they're making more money than Coke?? wow. #43 $57 Billion

BestBuy #47 I need to go there to fix my computer. They put so many minor electrical stores in the shade. $49 Billion

Walt Disney #65 They could make more money if they wanted to... so global. maybe their goal really is to bring dreams. $38 Billion

Coca-Cola #70 $35 Billion a safe option to acquire class materials. #78 $34

Google #92. I didn't know they make that much. haha. $29 Billion

McDonald's #111 Even though it took over the world, nowhere near the Oil industry, banks, or creditors. the food industry is rough. Long live MickyD's. $24 Billion

Nike. coolest apparels. They have SALES unlike Addidas. #135. $19 Billion

Starbucks. finally found you on the list. where's my carmel frappeccino? yes, grande please. #220. $10 Billion.

It's amazing how much an idea could take a company. In short, I agree with the readings from this week; in other words, innovation is needed in this economy.


  1. Great post! Maybe this is a great opportunity for corporations to have many public works projects named after them. Get their big money butts behind urban land reform/reuse.

  2. its crazy to see these numbers. sooooo much! it would be great if they took this revenue and put it towards a greater good rather than using it just for themselves.

  3. Its weird to see General Motors so high on this list given the recent downfall over the last couple years of the automobile industry. The "Big 3" has not been the same since this recession hit a few years back. Walmart is a sure lock at number one. I thought Apple would have been a little higher on the list. It seems like a lot of people these days are switching to Apple computers and phones.
