Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Privatized Government

When we were talking about the benefits and costs of running Michigan like a corporation, the first thing that came to mind was the proposed new bridge to Canada. The current bridge is privatized and little money goes to the government or the people. A new bridge to Canada would allow the people of Detroit and Michigan to get more value from the bridge. I found an article talking about the costs and benefits of building a new bridge.


  1. I think the bridge is a good idea. Michigan and Detroit specifically needs money. The current bridge being privatized does not help with the current economic situation. Building the bridge may be costly; however, the costs being split with Canada would help finance the project. The state needs funds, so by using a potential source of a bridge to nearby Canada would be very useful because the bridge would see a vast amount of traffic everyday.

  2. Manuel Moroun has recently filed lawsuits against the US and Canada claiming that they are interfering with his rite to build a second bridge spanning the Detroit river. If the government fails to build a second bridge to Canada then Moroun will control both crossing spots and have a true monopoly. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/story/2010/03/25/windsor-ambassador-bridge-owner-sues.html

  3. A new bridge to Canada will definitely add value to Michigan. It will bring more business to Detroit and Michigan as a whole and possibly make Michigan a place with growing opportunities.

  4. The current bridge provides about 150,000 jobs.... and 13 billion dollars in annual production depends on this crossing. A new bridge could definitely expand the opportunities in Michigan and Detroit.
