Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Michigan's Other Black Friday

Today is the opening day of the whitetail deer firearm season in Michigan. This day is termed Michigan's other Black Friday because hunters spend an average of $800 and deer hunting is a $500 million industry for the state. 1.185 million deer licences have been sold this year, which is unfortunately 60,000 fewer than last year. This is most likely due to opening day being on a Tuesday. If it was on a weekend, licences sales would be higher. Nonetheless, sporting goods stores have been seeing a pick-up in business leading up to this "holy day" for Michigan hunters. Buck poles are popular attractions that bring in business to small towns. Deer hunting definitely has an economic impact on Michigan, and it helps control the deer population. Happy opening day.


  1. Wow i never realized how much money was made from deer season.

  2. Demand for deer hunting licenses are always high. People travel all over the state, especially to Northern Michigan to start off the hunting season. The state makes money while controlling the population. Make sure to wear orange!

  3. Im with Justin, I was unaware of how much money deer season brings Michigan. I think its awesome that not only do people get to enjoy the sport of hunting, control the deer population, but also bring some money to Michigan.

  4. I hope the cash flow of the hunting season won't have a strong correlation of MI's economic performance. Yeah, just like the holiday season.
