Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Utopian City?

After Tuesday's class I spent more time trying to figure out what a perfect city of mine would have. As a class leader this week Matt, Colleen and I analyzed the pictures and found many of the same aspects and trends throughout. I Google-searched) Utopian City and found "Victory City". This Utopian City was supposed to be built around 2002 and boasts a clean, protected and correctly populated city. The characteristics that are similar include; forested areas, offices, retail businesses, and recreation areas. There is a lower cost of living with higher standard of living due to better efficiency. Some ideas that I did not originally think of for my Utopian city would be a better mode of travel. For me my only viable option is to drive my car. However, if there was a better and more effective way (such as a subway) back and forth to school I would gladly take that and not pay for gas. There are many aspects to a utopian city and having it all in one place, could that really make it perfect? Here in the US I don't necessarily think that we're looking for a perfect Utopia but having a great clean-up and better environment physically and socially would benefit us all. For the interesting website I looked at . It's a little goofy but a nice idea.

1 comment:

  1. Something missing from a lot of the pictures we looked at (that we drew in class on Tuesday) was good public transport. I think it's easy to forget when one isn't relying on it (as lots of students don't need to in Kalamazoo). But the difference between public transit here compared to other places in the US (or Europe) is extreme.

    Definitely needs more money investment, in my opinion.
