Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Young and Restless


This article talks about how our generation of young people from about age 16-34 are affected by the occupy Wall Street situation resulting from our economic crisis. "Today, only 55 percent of people ages 16 to 29 have a job — the lowest percentage since World War II. A quarter of people between ages 25 and 34 are living with their parents, and new numbers out this week say people under 35 are worth 68 percent less than they were 25 years ago." What does this mean for our generation? This means that getting a job straight out of college will be more difficult. So where do we go from here? Our nation's young people need to realize that times are changing and the idea of getting rich quick and being educated in order to purchase luxuries life can order, needs to be thrown out the window. We need to go back to our grandparents era and follow their idea of hard-work and dedication in order to achieve success (the American dream).

1 comment:

  1. the numbers are scary... especially that we are described as being worth 65% less then we were 25 years ago. how can they price our worth so exactly? it just makes me sick. i really hope the best for our futures. hard work and perseverance will be key.
