Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pushing America Back to the Farm

Linking back to what we talked about in class recently, I read an article today that pushed for America to go back to the farm and participate in a more localized economy. The article focused on Joel Salatin, who pushes for a more sustainable food system. He proposes nothing less than an extreme decentralization of the food system - you raise what you eat. He also believes that freedom begins with food, with the security of knowing where your food comes from - preferably raising and preparing some of it yourself. But in America we are not doing this, in 1935 there were 7 million farms, today there are only approximately 2 million and less than 2% of Americans farm for a living. Essentially, by returning to a more sustainable lifestyle, more people will be fed and there will be more jobs available in the farming industry. We must go back to using our hands and move away from the modern manufacturing process, which relies upon machines and chemicals.

1 comment:

  1. I support this idea a lot. we have talked about this in another one of my classes and how it could help our economy and world in the future. a great start are these community gardens and acts like these to support the community and help everyone.
